MTL Intrinsic Safety barrier
Model: MTL5516C, MTL5544D, MTL5575
Brands: MTL
Catalog: Safety Barrier
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Product Details
MTL Intrinsic Safety barrier
MTL is mainly engaged in the production and R & D of products used in flammable and explosive hazardous areas, and occupies a leading position in the world in this field. Our products range from well-known Zener type safety barriers and barriers in the industry to advanced process control products. All products are suitable for the harsh environment in the process industry area.
Intrinsically Safe Isolators
We offer the best choice in DIN-rail and backplane mounting isolators to meet the requirements of modern systems. The DIN-rail mounting isolator ranges provide a wide choice of functions with high accuracy and reliability, while the backplane mounting products are established as the leading IS system interface with solutions for all the major DCS companies.
The MTL4500 range is the latest generation of backplane mounting products, building upon the heritage of MTL4000 and introducing many key application benefits.
The MTL5500 range launches a new industry standard for DIN rail mounting products, ideally suited to a wide variety of interface tasks for process instrumentation.
MTL4500 range
Product Code Description
SM45-55-AI FSM Safety Manual - Analogue Input Modules
SM45-55-AI-A FSM Safety Manual- Analogue Input Modules- A variants
SM45-55-AO FSM Safety Manual - Analogue Output Modules
SM45-55-BI FSM Safety Manual - Binary Input Modules
SM45-55-SAD FSM Safety Manual - Solenoid / Alarm Driver Modules
SM4561_5561 FSM Safety Manual - Fire Detector Interfaces
SM45_5501-SR FSM Safety Manual – Safety proximity detectors
SMx 531-82 FSM Safety Manual - Machine Monitor Interfaces
1. Intro
INA4500 MTL4500/4600 range Instructions for Safe Use
INM4500/4600 MTL4500/4600 range Instruction Manual
MTL4500-5500-ACC Backplanes, Enclosures & Accessories
MTL4500-5500-CS Common Specifications
MTL4500-5500-DS MTL4500-5500 range Data Set
2. Digital Input
MTL4501-SR 1ch DI failsafe solid-state output + LFD alarm
MTL4504 1ch DI relay output + LFD alarm + phase reversal
MTL4510 4ch DI solid-state output
MTL4510B 4ch DI multifunction solid-state output
MTL4511 1ch DI relay output
MTL4513 2ch DI solid-state output
MTL4514D 1ch switch/prox input, dual output relay
MTL4514N 1 ch switch/prox detector, LFD, phase reversal
MTL4514_B 1ch DI relay output + LFD alarm
MTL4516 2ch DI relay output
MTL4516C 2ch DI with changeover relay output
MTL4517 2ch DI relay output + LFD alarm
3. Digital Output
MTL4521 Loop powered solenoid driver
MTL4521L Loop powered solenoid driver IIC
MTL4523 Solenoid driver with LFD
MTL4523L Loop powered solenoid driver + LFD
MTL4523R Solenoid driver with LFD
MTL4523V-VL Solenoid/Alarm driver with voltage control
MTL4524 Switch operated solenoid driver
MTL4524S Switch operated solenoid driver, 24V override
MTL4525 Switch operated solenoid driver low power
MTL4526 2ch switch operated relay
4. Analogue Input
MTL4541 1ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater
MTL4541A 1ch Transmitter repeater, passive input
MTL4541AS 1ch Transmitter repeater, passive input, current sink
MTL4541B MTL4041B replacement
MTL4541P MTL4041P replacement
MTL4541S 1ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater, current sink
MTL4541T 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater
MTL4544 2ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater
MTL4544A 2ch Transmitter repeater, passive input
MTL4544AS 2ch Transmitter repeater, passive input, current sink
MTL4544B MTL4044 replacement
MTL4544D 2/3 wire transmitter repeater, dual output
MTL4544S 2ch 2/3 transmitter repeater, current sink
5. Analogue Output
MTL4546 1ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + LFD
MTL4546C 1ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + oc LFD
MTL4546S 1ch 4-20mA HART isolating driver + LFD
MTL4546Y 1ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + oc LFD
MTL4549 2ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + LFD
MTL4549C 2ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + oc LFD
MTL4549Y 2ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + oc LFD
6. Temperature Input
MTL4573 1ch Temperature converter, RTD / THC
MTL4575 1ch Temperature converter, RTD / THC with alarm
MTL4576-RTD 2ch Temperature converter, RTD
MTL4576-THC 2ch Temperature converter, THC
MTL4581 1ch mV/THC isolator for low-level signals
MTL4582B 1ch resistance isolator to repeat RTD signals
7. Pulse and Vibration
MTL4531 1ch vibration probe interface
MTL4532 1ch pulse isolator, digital or analogue output
8. Fire and Smoke
MTL4561 2ch loop-powered, for fire and smoke detectors
9. General
MTL4599 Dummy isolator
MTL4599N General purpose feed-through module
MTL5500 range
Product Code Description
SM45-55-AI FSM Safety Manual - Analogue Input Modules
SM45-55-AI-A FSM Safety Manual- Analogue Input Modules- A variants
SM45-55-AO FSM Safety Manual - Analogue Output Modules
SM45-55-BI FSM Safety Manual - Binary Input Modules
SM45-55-SAD FSM Safety Manual - Solenoid / Alarm Driver Modules
SM4561_5561 FSM Safety Manual - Fire Detector Interfaces
SM45_5501-SR FSM Safety Manual – Safety proximity detectors
SM5314 FSM Safety Manual – Trip amplifier
SMx 531-82 FSM Safety Manual - Machine Monitor Interfaces
1. Intro
INA5500 MTL5500 range Instructions for Safe Use
INM5500 MTL5500 range Instruction
MTL4500-5500-ACC Enclosures & Accessories
MTL4500-5500-CS Common Specifications
MTL4500-5500-DS MTL4500-5500 Series Data Set
2. Digital Input
MTL5501-SR 1ch DI failsafe solid-state output + LFD alarm
MTL5510 4ch DI solid-state ouput
MTL5510B 4ch DI multifunction solid-state output
MTL5511 1ch DI relay output
MTL5513 2ch DI solid-state output
MTL5514 1ch DI relay output + LFD alarm
MTL5514-T 1-channel, line fault detection, phase reversal
MTL5514D 1ch switch/prox input, dual output relay
MTL5516C 2ch DI with changeover relay output
MTL5517 2ch DI relay output + LFD alarm
3. Digital Output
MTL5521 Loop powered solenoid driver, IIC
MTL5521-T Loop powered solenoid driver, IIC
MTL5522 Loop powered solenoid driver, IIB
MTL5523 Solenoid driver with LFD
MTL5523V - VL Solenoid/Alarm driver with voltage control
MTL5524 Switch operated solenoid driver
MTL5525 Loop powered solenoid driver low power
MTL5526 2ch switch operated relay
4. Analogue Input
MTL5541 1ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater
MTL5541A 1ch Transmitter repeater, passive input
MTL5541AS 1ch Transmitter repeater, passive input, current sink
MTL5541S 1ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater, current sink
MTL5541S-T 4/20mA, HART®, 2- or 3-wire transmitters
MTL5544 2ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater
MTL5544A 2ch Transmitter repeater, passive input
MTL5544AS 2ch Transmitter repeater, passive input, current sink
MTL5544D 1ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater, dual output
MTL5544S 2ch 2/3 wire Transmitter repeater, current sink
5. Analogue Output
MTL5546 1ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + LFD
MTL5546Y 1ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + oc LFD
MTL5546Y-T 4–20mA HART® valve positioners with line fault detection
MTL5549 2ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + LFD
MTL5549Y 2ch 4-20mA smart isolating driver + oc LFD
6. Temperature Input
MTL5573 1ch Temperature converter, RTD / THC
MTL5575 1ch Temperature converter, RTD / THC with alarm
MTL5576-RTD 2ch Temperature converter, RTD
MTL5576-THC 2ch Temperature converter, THC
MTL5581 1ch mV/THC isolator for low-level signals
MTL5582 1ch resistance isolator
MTL5582B 1ch resistance isolator to repeat RTD signals
7. Pulse and Vibration
MTL5531 1ch vibration probe interface
MTL5532 1ch pulse isolator, digital or analogue output
8. Fire and Smoke
MTL5561 2ch loop-powered, for fire and smoke detectors
9. General
MPA5500 85 - 265V ac power adaptor
MTL5051 Serial-data comms isolator
MTL5314 Trip Amplifier
MTL5553 Isolator / Power Supply
MTL5599 Dummy isolator
PSG60E24RM 24V dc power supply (replaces MTL5991)
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