Model: PSR-PC52-1NO-1NC-24DC-SC


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Product Details

PHOENIX CONTACT PSR-PC52-1NO-1NC-24DC-SC Coupling relay - 1017062. Coupling relay for electrical isolation and power adaptation for SIL 3 F&G applications, low demand, load diagnostics in the Off and On state for wire break and short circuit, 1 enabling current path, test pulse filter, plug-in screw terminal block, width: 17.5 mm.

PHOENIX CONTACT PSR-PC52-1NO-1NC-24DC-SC Coupling relay - 1017062

Earth leakage monitoring

Suitable for low-demand applications up to SIL 3 according to IEC 61508, IEC 61511, and EN 50156

Configurable Off and On state diagnostics

Active error acknowledgment via A1 at DO

Integrated DCS test pulse filter

1 enabling current path, 1 signaling current path

PHOENIX CONTACT PSR-PC52-1NO-1NC-24DC-SC Coupling relay - 1017062

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